Even more work (Windows build9656) MathMLに対応したそうな。
Known issuesNew stuff
- UNIX: Speed dial config dialog has an ugly shadow
- UNIX: Dragging images turns them grey
- UNIX: Can't connect to IRC
- UNIX: Downloading torrents can exhaust memory and uses 100% CPU
- Sometimes crashes on exit
- Some images don't load fully
Assorted bugs fixed
- Added MathML support (Check out examples here)
- Added support for the XSLT document() function (poke to xmlhacker ;-) )
- New and improved mail authentication dialog
- New nice icon for mail whose body isn't downloaded
Even more work - Desktop Team - by Desktop Team より
- Fixed a bad crasher that occurred on a lot of sites when closing a tab
- Again possible to open directories directly without file://localhost/ in front
- Fixes to <pre> and <code> font sizes
- Fixed top links in gmail
- Fit to width now works even if the window is larger than 1600px
- getters and setters are now prototypable in node interfaces
- getSeconds() no longer returns -1
- Hovering input/radio buttons on websites now shows the normal cursor again
- Several Opera Link bugs squashed
- A bunch of XPATH fixes
- A bunch of XSLT fixes
邦訳 : Operaの更なる取り組み (kuruman.org > Kuruman Memo)