New snapshot、 Windows build 9665
Known issuesBugs fixed
- If you used Opera link in a previous build and install this one on top of that, you need to log in again to make it work.
- The link dialog might say "logged in as minch" - well, no worries, you are not: it's just a hardcoded string (known internally as "minch is watching you!")
- Plugins on UNIX are still in a shaky state
- Alot of widgets seems to crash opera
New snapshot - Desktop Team - by Desktop Team
- Fixed certificate installation on skandiabanken.no (for real this time)
- Fixed issue where it was not possible to exit small screen rendering if the page had a handheld stylesheet
- Several fixes to inline find
- Big images are again displayed properly
- Fixed CRAM-MD5 mail authentication
- Fix disappearing panels and personal bar items if one client did not sync them
- Implemented merging of bookmark files if you open a new one - a dialog will ask if they should be merged
Operaで開くファイルタイプ(.mht , .html , .jpegとか色々)の問題は相変わらず、widgetsはしばらく前からKestrelで使うの諦めてるからクラッシュすると云われても今更気にならない。履歴(global.dat)にURLが文字化けして保存される(例えばメインページ - Wikipediaを履歴から開けない、最悪Operaがクラッシュする)のも直ってない。